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Ordering & Payment

Welcome to our FAQ page! Here, we have compiled answers to the most common questions about our products, services and policies. Whether you need help with ordering, shipping, after service, you’ll find the information you need right here.

If order is unprocessed, you can apply for cancel in the cart page under my accounts, it will be auto refunded by the platform.

If order is unprocessed, you can change the address in the cart page.

If an order have already been processed, it cannot be cancelled.

Our payment gateway uses Airwallex.

Payment methods:
Visa/ Master / Amex / Union Pay / JCB / Apple Pay / Google Pay / Paynow

Add to Cart.

At the check out page. You have 2 options to check out: Guest or Account. We recommend you choose Account, as you will be able edit your address or

Check out via Guest (No Account): At the checkout page. Fill in the details such as your name, address, phone number, email. Once you successful make payment and checkout. Email will be sent to you with your order info. Subsequently, once the order is processed, a courier name with tracking number will be email to you.

(If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We’re here to help and ensure you have a smooth and satisfying shopping experience.)

Thank you for choosing us!

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